Distributed Simulation Systems V2.0 RFP This RFP ultimaltely resulted in adopted technology.Historical Data within Industrial Systems (HDAIS) This RFP ultimately resulted in adopted technology, currently under finalization.CAD Services V2.0 Technical Process Page.PLM Services V1.0 Technical Process Page.Election by Single Transferable Vote used for Architecture Board Elections.OMG Policies & Procedures, Always the Latest & Greatest.Chair Status Report - TC Friday plenary.Revision Task Force / Finalization Task Force Final Report Template.Final Submission Template (for RFPs and RFCs).OMG Hitchhiker's Guide, Overview of Policies, Procedures, and Operation of the OMG.Manufacturing Enterprise Systems, 9 February 1996.CORBA-based Machine Control, 6 April 1998.STEP and OMG Product Data Management Specifications: A Guide for Decision Makers, 19 November 1999.Manufacturing Technology and Industrial Systems Task Force (ManTIS RFI 1).

Requests for Information (with Responses).Data Acquisition for Industrial Systems (DAIS).Historical Data within Industrial Systems (HDAIS).Data Acquisition from Industrial Systems V1.0.Computer Aided Design (CAD) Services V1.0.RFI: Semiconductor Production Equipment Data Acquisition for Process Engineering and Control (SPEDA).Last edited by DoctorNeutron 01-21-09 at 10:38 PM. Good luck! I dragged and dropped the Storm pdf manual onto my Storm and so now I'm doing what I need to do more of: RTFM ! After you feel comfortable with this installation looking at xls, doc, and ppt files, AGAIN open any one of them and again push the BB button to request a trial of PDF To Go. My bad: downloading the trial version of premium D2G is a TWO STEP process: after registering your baseline copy of D2G, open any xls, doc, or ppt file and push the BB button to request a trial copy of the premium version of D2G. Help ! Is this part of "the deal" to get me to buy ($70) versus try premium D2G or simply cockpit errors ? So, now, I cannot do what I used to be able to do with the default D2G. The problem is that the pdf software modules were not included in the download/install. Anybody getting this to work ?Īfter the smoke cleared from installing D2G premium, I now find I can no longer open ANY pdf files, zip, nada. Still cannot open a pdf file that was dragged-and-dropped onto my Storm versus sent as email attachment. Docs2Go Premium Edition offers a pdf reader.I am trying the Premium Docs 2 Go.